2/1 聖徒裝備課程: 屬靈爭戰,潔淨地土 Spiritual warfare and cleansing the land

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

主題:屬靈爭戰,潔淨地土 Topic: Spiritual warfare and cleansing the land 教導: 身為神大祭司職分,我們可以潔淨地土,轉化更新我們住處和所租用的地方 Teaching: As God's ordained priests we can cleanse and transform the land we live on and rent from.

3/14 Jesus Healing Room 3月耶穌醫治工坊

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

If you have physical needs, or emotional needs for prayers, or need directions from the Lord, we offer a Jesus Healing Room service on 03/14/2020, 7-9pm at CBC building! 211 Demott Lane, Somerset NJ 08873 You are most welcome to take advantage of this meeting to soak in worship, have a quiet time with the

HIC 20th Anniversary/Healing room Postponed

Notice: Due to the pandemic the Harvest International Center 20th anniversary/healing room scheduled in April will be postponed. The Lord bless you all and keep you safe. 通知: 因疫情的關係,原定4 月,傳福中心二十周年慶/醫治工坊將會延期。主與你同在,保守大家平安。 Love, Harvest International Center 傳福中心

5/09 Jesus Healing Room | 5月耶穌醫治工坊

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

If you have physical needs, or emotional needs for prayers, or need directions from the Lord, we offer a Jesus Healing Room service on 05/09/2020, 7-9pm at CBC building! 211 Demott Lane, Somerset NJ 08873 You are most welcome to take advantage of this meeting to soak in worship, have a quiet time with the

Jesus Healing Room Online | 網路耶穌醫治工坊

HIC zoom

HIC Jesus Healing Room now serves you on Zoom! We will have staff hosting the zoom meeting on Every Tuesday  2pm-3pm Service: Healing Prayers and Prophetic words 傳福耶穌醫治工坊開始在 ZOOM線上服事! 我們會有服務人員在每個星期的禮拜二 下午2-3點為你的需要代禱: 禱告項目: 身體醫治禱告, 先知性話語 註冊加入我們的ZOOM線上禱告室: Register for zoom information: