8/17 世代的祝福

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

8/17 世代的祝福 講員: Tina 時間: ˙7pm-9pm 地點: CBC圓型會議室 解釋神世代可以傳下來的祝福管道和我們怎麼被影響和領受

9/1 Out Door service

MiddleBush Park 421 Demott Ln, Somerset, NJ, United States

We will have out door service at Middlebush Park (421 Demott Ln) from 1pm-until sun down. No one will be at Communist Baptist building please meet us at the park.

聖徒裝備課程: 9/7 世代的咒詛

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

9/7 世代的祝福 講員: Tina 時間: ˙7pm-9pm 地點: CBC圓型會議室 (靠大門旁邊) 內容: 撒旦如何借用神設立的祝福系統加入咒詛,還有我們可以脫離的辦法

9/14 Jesus Healing Room 耶穌醫治工坊九月14

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

Jesus Healing Room 09/14 Saturday 7:00PM-9:00PM In CBC Sanctuary Please pray for this event and invite people to come Services: Individual prophetic and healing prayers Free to Attend, register and let us know you will be here, if there’s conference update we can notify you also: — 耶穌醫治工坊 09月14日禮拜六晚上七點到九點 在 CBC大堂 請代禱並邀請人參加 服事項目: 先知性話語和醫治禱告 免費參加!註冊好讓我們知道你會來!

Jesus Healing Room 耶穌醫治工坊 10/12

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

If you have physical needs, or emotional needs for prayers, or need directions from the Lord, we offer a Jesus Healing Room service on 10/12/2019, 7-9pm at CBC building! 211 Demott Lane, Somerset NJ 08873 You are most welcome to take advantage of this meeting to soak in worship, have a quiet time with the Lord,

11/02 聖徒裝備課程: 饒恕與魂結 Forgiveness and soul ties

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

星期六11/2  饒恕與魂結 地點: CBC 圓型會議室 講師: Tina 牧師 內容: 了解靈界的規則和饒恕帶來的釋放,以及如何挪去我們過去的重擔 有意者請在這網頁免費註冊 

Jesus Healing Room 耶穌醫治工坊 11/09

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

If you have physical needs, or emotional needs for prayers, or need directions from the Lord, we offer a Jesus Healing Room service on 11/09/2019, 7-9pm at CBC building! 211 Demott Lane, Somerset NJ 08873 You are most welcome to take advantage of this meeting to soak in worship, have a quiet time with the

Jesus Healing Room 耶穌醫治工坊 2019/12/14

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

If you have physical needs, or emotional needs for prayers, or need directions from the Lord, we offer a Jesus Healing Room service on 12/14/2019, 7-9pm at CBC building! 211 Demott Lane, Somerset NJ 08873 You are most welcome to take advantage of this meeting to soak in worship, have a quiet time with the Lord, or be