Due to NJ Coronavirus emergency measure, our meetings will now take place online on Zoom.


Due to NJ Coronavirus emergency measure, our meetings will now take place online on Zoom.
由於武漢病毒的傳播和NJ州政府的規定, 我們的聚會將會在網上Zoom舉行.

這個主日(starting 3/29)我們仍會使用ZOOM在線上聚會,於下午兩點半開始。上缐方式是:
(1)使用Zoom App, 打入會議號碼:980 1358 9833 pw 12345
(3)透過普通電話: 1-646-558-8656, 參加者號碼:98013589833#

Sunday we will still use ZOOM for the online Sunday service starting at 2:30 pm. Here are the ways you can join:
(1) use Zoom App, Meeting ID: 980 1358 9833 pw 12345
(2) use this link: https://zoom.us/j/98013589833
(3) use phone: 1-646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 98013589833#


(1) 兩點開始,我們會有會前禱告,歡迎大家在兩點鐘就上線一起禱告。
(2) 考慮網路流量問題,聚會開始時會請大家打開聲音及影像,彼此問候。之後會請大家關閉聲音及影像,以確保敬拜及信息分享的影音品質。
(3) 當邀請大家禱告或分享時,有感動要開口禱告或分享的弟兄姐妹,請記得打開影音。
(4) 我們會在聚會中一起領聖餐,請先自行準備好餅杯。

Below are the guidelines for the online service:

(1) We will start the pre-service prayers at 2 pm. All are welcome to pray together at 2 pm.
(2) Due to the capacity of the internet, we will invite every one to turn on the video and audio for greeting one another. After greetings, please mute the video and audio for the streaming quality of worship and sermon.
(3) When we invite everyone to pray or share, please remember to unmute your video and audio if you would like to pray or share.
(4) We will take communion in the service. Please prepare the bread and cup beforehand.


Note about tithes and offerings: Please use the HIC online donation: