Topic: Manage money, tithing
Time: Saturdays at 7PM-9PM
Goal: Growing mature in the Lord, including both aspects of relationship with God and relationship with men.
Format: The class will be seminar like with more interaction, and emphasize practicing outside the class.
Cost: Free for HIC family members, brothers and sisters from other churches can give free offerings.
主題: 管理金錢,十一奉獻
課程時間: 禮拜六晚上七點到九點
課程目的: 在主裡成熟長大,包括與神的關係及與人的關係
課程型式: 課程會採用較多互動的討論方式進行,以及著重課堂外的操練。
費用: 傳福中心家人免費參加。外來弟兄姊妹可自由奉獻.