7/6 在神的家中教養孩子
課程已過, 想知道過去內容請加入學員申請: https://gohic.org/newine/index.php/activities_chi/saints-equipping-class-chinese/
主持: 許 師母
7/6 在神的家中教養孩子
課程已過, 想知道過去內容請加入學員申請: https://gohic.org/newine/index.php/activities_chi/saints-equipping-class-chinese/
主持: 許 師母
We will have out door service at Middlebush Park (421 Demott Ln) from 1pm-until sun down.
No one will be at Communist Baptist building please meet us at the park.
Topic: Growing mature to be father and mother Time: Saturdays at 7PM-9PM
Goal: Growing mature in the Lord, including both aspects of relationship with God and relationship with men.
Format: The class will be seminar like with more interaction, and emphasize practicing outside the class.
Cost: Free for HIC family members, brothers and sisters from other churches can give free offerings.
主題: 成熟長大而能為父為母
課程時間: 禮拜六晚上七點到九點 課程目的: 在主裡成熟長大,包括與神的關係及與人的關係 課程型式: 課程會採用較多互動的討論方式進行,以及著重課堂外的操練。 費用: 傳福中心家人免費參加。外來弟兄姊妹可自由奉獻.
Topic: Manage money, tithing
Time: Saturdays at 7PM-9PM
Goal: Growing mature in the Lord, including both aspects of relationship with God and relationship with men.
Format: The class will be seminar like with more interaction, and emphasize practicing outside the class.
Cost: Free for HIC family members, brothers and sisters from other churches can give free offerings.
主題: 管理金錢,十一奉獻
課程時間: 禮拜六晚上七點到九點
課程目的: 在主裡成熟長大,包括與神的關係及與人的關係
課程型式: 課程會採用較多互動的討論方式進行,以及著重課堂外的操練。
費用: 傳福中心家人免費參加。外來弟兄姊妹可自由奉獻.
Time: Saturday at 7PM-9PM
Goal: Growing mature in the Lord, including both aspects of relationship with God and relationship with men.
Format: The class will be seminar like with more interaction, and emphasize practicing outside the class.
Cost: Free for HIC family members.
First Phrase classes (April – June) 5/4 Enjoy studying the Word
課程時間: 禮拜六晚上七點到九點
課程目的: 在主裡成熟長大,包括與神的關係及與人的關係
課程型式: 課程會採用較多互動的討論方式進行,以及著重課堂外的操練。
費用: 傳福中心家人免費參加。
5/4 享受研讀聖經
Jesus Healing Room
03/09 Saturday 7:00PM-9:30PM
In CBC Sanctuary
Please pray for this event and invite people to come
Individual prophetic and healing prayers
Free to Attend, register and let us know you will be here, if there’s conference update we can notify you also:
在 CBC大堂
免費參加!註冊好讓我們知道你會來! 如果有時間變更也好通知!
Pre-reg ended! Just drop by in person and we will register you on the spot!
East Coast Homecoming Gathering –
Right time, right place and right people
This East Coast Egg Harbor Gathering (12/7-8) in NJ is happening at the right time, right place and with the right people specially arranged by God.
1. Right time:
This Gathering falls on Hanukkah, the Jewish feast (12/2-9), this year. We didn’t realize that at the beginning until much later. Hanukkah celebrates God’s intervention, supernatual provision and the turning of defeat into victory.
2. Right place:
The meeting place will be in Egg Harbor, NJ. Right after the Montreal Gathering 6/29-7/4,2017, God asked us to host an East Coast Gathering in Egg Harbor, NJ. We said, Montreal was like the womb, the Gathering In Egg Harbor on 7/15 would be like the “Egg” that was birthed, it was also like a “Harbor” where the boat was set to sail.
When we chose this place to gather, we were not aware of (1) The wonderful revival God had done in this place. In fact nearby Vineland is the original place of the holiness revival 150 years ago (1867) which later moved westward and eventually ignited the famous Asuza revival of the west coast. (2) That this is the place where William Penn, the first governor of Pennsylvania, had signed a treaty with the First Nation people in America. (3) God used a group of Chinese from China who couldn’t make it to Montreal and ended up coming to the United States to open the first page for the Chinese on the East Coast to care about the First Nation of USA. (4) In addition, next year, 2019, will be the 400th year of African slavery in this land. In 1860 along the underground railroad routs from NY to Delaware, Egg Harbor happened to be one of the areas where these escaping slavery had a direct path to go into Pennsylvania, in which slavery had been outlawed.
Many prophets prophesied that 2019 (Jewish calendar 5779) will be the year of the greatest harvest of souls. The Hebrew letter nine [ ט] looks like the sky is bursting open, like the window of heaven is open and the water is coming down. Like the breaking of water, new life is about to be birthed! The egg is coming out, and revival is about to set sail from the East Coast!
3. Right people: What is so touching for us is that many First Nation people have already said that they wish to attend this Gathering. The revival in America must start with the First Nation, otherwise the curses of the land cannot be removed. The family on the East Coast is facing a huge challenge, but we believe that in this Hanukkah season God has a plan. As long as the family walk in faith and obedience, and participate, we believe God will bring about a great breakthrough just like He did in the West Coast and IHOPKC which were beyond what we could imagine.
Thinking back to April of this year, when a few Chinese families in North America went to Papa Gideon Chiu’s home in Vancouver in spite of the winter storm, we came together to discern what God has for North America. By God’s grace we responded believing God will use us to have a part in changing this beautiful land of America. We decided, like in the chamber of prophet Elisha, to strike the ground with the arrows many times. It is also like having three fingers, the west, the south and the east, to hold this land of America. We had the gatherings in the West and South and now what we need is the East. Do pray about it, ask if God wants you to participate to accomplish the vision we received in the beginning of the year. We need God, we also need the family!
God is on the move, it is the right time, right place and we have the right people. May the Lord personally touch your heart and speak to you. We are looking forward to seeing you there !
PS, because we have quite a number of First Nation coming from all over USA, they desperately need our financial support, it is not a small amount, if God led you to help, please send the check address to Kingdom Alive, and send to 12 Lilac Lane, Someret, NJ 08873. Thank you
Fred Hsu and the team, 10/20/2018
东岸 蛋港 回家 12/7-8/2018
從去年12月埃及回家之後,今年一月起,我们每个月为北美的聚集在线上祷告。美国不缺大教会及大事工,但我们心中有一最大的渴望,就是要看见教会的合一,神相愛的家真实的呈现。天父在找祂能安息的家 (赛66:1),主也在为我们的合一祷告 (约17)。我们说, 就从少数华人開始吧。到了4月17-20 我们在温哥华相聚。如约阿施王在以利沙的房间里用箭打地,就决定了战场上的胜败 (王下 13:15-19),我们也要打地, 直到神的赐福再临到美国。我们当时就决定了两次聚集: (1) 6/13-15,加州 Fremont,主要为华人 (2) 9/19-22,IHOP Kansas City,为东与西的汇集。接着,我们又加上几次: (3) 9/1-2,Austin美南回家 (4) 9/14-15,东岸NJ聚集 (5) 12/7-8 ,美东NJ再一次聚集。
12/7-8 再两个月就到了,请您祷告,看主有無带领。回家不是办特会,是为满足天父的心,祂盼我们懂得相爱,超过自己的教会,超过自己的族裔。神已经在这世代兴起华人,给我们鑰匙,在许多地方带来父神的家的合一 (像这次在IHOPKC),也带来以实马利及以撒的合一 (像这次在埃及)。如今神还有托付,要我们去愛北美的原住民,他们是这土地的长子,是神的宝贝,他们被扶持,这地会更蒙神赐福…。
日期: 12/7 (五) 上午9:30 开始,到12/8 (六) 下午5:00 结束
地点: Praise Tabernacle, 2235 Ocean Heights Ave.,Egg Harbor Township,NJ 08234
机场: (1) Atlantic City, NJ (ACY), 5 哩, (2) Newark, NJ (EWR), 113 哩, (3) Philadelphia, PA (PHL), 60 哩.
Homecoming in Egg Harbor 12/7-8/2018
Ever since this January, right after the Egypt Homecoming last December, some of us began to talk about the Gathering in the States. America is not lacking of big churches and great ministries, but there is still a deep sense in our spirit that Father God desires a united family which is a resting place He can stay (Is 66:1) and our Lord is still praying that we will be one (Jn 17)…
So we shared and prayed on Line every month until we met in Vancouver on April 17-20. We said that even starting from a small number we would begin to connect and see how God works. Like King Johoash striking arrows on the ground in Elisha’s chamber (2 King 13:15-19) determined the outcome of the battlefield, we felt that we should continue to strike the ground until God’s full blessing comes back to America. On that day we scheduled two major Gatherings: (1) 6/13-15 in Fremont focusing on Chinese, and (2) 9/19-22 at IHOP Kansas City focusing on the Convergence of Chinese and non-Chinese. Then later, more strikes are added: (3) 9/1-2 South US Homecoming in Austin, Texas (4) 9/14-15 East Coast Gathering at IHOP Eastern Gate in NJ, and (5) 12/7-8 Homecoming in Egg Harbor, NJ.
12/7-8 is only two months from now. Please pray about it and ask the Lord whether He releases you to come. The purpose is: (1) To connect with one another because that is God’s heart. When the church is no longer passive but takes up the responsibility to connect and walk corporately, we will have spiritual authority to affect the spiritual realm and see the society transformed. And (2) To connect with the First Nation people. They are the first born son of this land, God sees them as His treasured people. We want to honor, uplift and stand with them. When we see them being strong and healthy we believe we will see more of God’s blessings to this beautiful land.
Here is some initial information for you to pray about it.
Date: Starts on 12/7 (Friday) 9:30 AM, and ends on 12/8 (Saturday) 5:00 PM.
Location: Praise Tabernacle, 2235 Ocean Heights Ave., Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
Airports: (1) Atlantic City, NJ (ACY), 5 miles, (2) Newark, NJ (EWR), 113 miles, (3) Philadelphia, PA (PHL), 60 miles.
Fred Hsu and the Team. 10/5/2018.
当神在全球各地作”回家”的联结时,北美也终於 跟上了。6/13-15在西岸Fremont慕主教会已有北美華人的聚集,接着,9/20-22在中部Kansas City 的IHOP将有擴大的北美”回家”聚会,称为 “Convergence”,会是更多族裔的匯集,我们相信东岸也会有,所以经过相当时日的祷告寻求,並与IHOP Eastern Gate 的Gary牧师分享,决定东岸可以在IHOPEG有一个小聚集。
目的是: (1) 彼此联结,因这本是三一神的最大心願,盼神的兒女不再分裂,乃能合一,像耶稣与天父一样合一(约17:11)。(2) 2012年神也已经把棒子交给華人,让我们起来,不再被动,要挑起责任为美国祷告並与众族裔及原住民联结,与神的众僕人同心同行,成为一个平台,因着教会合一而有的属灵权柄,一同带下美国的转化与更新。如今是教会长大,承担责任,是神的关键时刻了! 让我们不再自私,不再只顧自己教会的事,乃是彼此认识,成为相愛的家,叫天父的心欢喜快乐。
请祷告看神有否带領你来参加。请在记事本上记下日期: 9/14 (五) 晚7点到9点半,及9/15(六)全天,上午9点半到晚上9点,地点在IHOP Easter Gate: 950 Raritan Road, Cranford, NJ 07016。