

当神在全球各地作”回家”的联结时,北美也终於 跟上了。6/13-15在西岸Fremont慕主教会已有北美華人的聚集,接着,9/20-22在中部Kansas City 的IHOP将有擴大的北美”回家”聚会,称为 “Convergence”,会是更多族裔的匯集,我们相信东岸也会有,所以经过相当时日的祷告寻求,並与IHOP Eastern Gate 的Gary牧师分享,决定东岸可以在IHOPEG有一个小聚集。

目的是: (1) 彼此联结,因这本是三一神的最大心願,盼神的兒女不再分裂,乃能合一,像耶稣与天父一样合一(约17:11)。(2) 2012年神也已经把棒子交给華人,让我们起来,不再被动,要挑起责任为美国祷告並与众族裔及原住民联结,与神的众僕人同心同行,成为一个平台,因着教会合一而有的属灵权柄,一同带下美国的转化与更新。如今是教会长大,承担责任,是神的关键时刻了! 让我们不再自私,不再只顧自己教会的事,乃是彼此认识,成为相愛的家,叫天父的心欢喜快乐。

请祷告看神有否带領你来参加。请在记事本上记下日期: 9/14 (五) 晚7点到9点半,及9/15(六)全天,上午9点半到晚上9点,地点在IHOP Easter Gate: 950 Raritan Road, Cranford, NJ 07016。


Home Coming East Coast IHOPEG Sept 2018

Dear Family,

As God gathers His family around the world in “Homecoming”, North America also is catching up with His step. Last month we had a Chinese Gathering in Fremont, CA. And another one, called “Convergence” , will happen on September 20-22 with both Chinese and non-Chinese, at IHOP in Kansas City. We believe that there should be one in the East Coast also. So after a period of praying and seeking and sharing with pastor Gary of IHOPEG, we feel it would be great to have a smaller gathering at IHOPEG this time.

The purpose is to: (1) Connect with one
another because that’s God’s heart. God’s greatest desire is that His children be one just as Jesus and the Father are one (John 17:11). (2) When the church is no longer passive but takes up the responsibility to connect and walk corporately, we will have spiritual authority to affect the spiritual realm and see the society transformed.

Let’s rise up and respond to Father’s plan. God is looking for the critical mass,10 righteous can save a city from being destroyed. It is a critical time that we are in, let’s shift our focus from caring for our own churches and ministries to more on His Kingdom and His will.

Please pray and see if God led you to participate. Please mark your calendar the following date: 9/14 (Friday) 7:00-9:30 pm, 9/15 (Saturday) 9:30 AM-9:00 PM. The location is:

IHOPEG, 950 Raritan Road, Cranford, NJ 07016.

Fred Hsu and the team.


You may start the registration now to help us estimate how many are coming and prepare the name tags. Here is the web page and registration link to HIC web site: