
Homecoming in Egg Harbor 12/7-8/2018

Praise Tabernacle 2235 Ocean Heights Ave., Egg Harbor Township

Homecoming in Egg Harbor 12/7-8/2018

Ever since this January, right after the Egypt Homecoming last December, some of us began to talk about the Gathering in the States. America is not lacking of big churches and great ministries, but there is still a deep sense in our spirit that Father God desires a united family which is a resting place He can stay (Is 66:1) and our Lord is still praying that we will be one (Jn 17)...


东岸 蛋港 回家 12/7-8/2018

Praise Tabernacle 2235 Ocean Heights Ave., Egg Harbor Township

從去年12月埃及回家之後,今年一月起,我们每个月为北美的聚集在线上祷告。美国不缺大教会及大事工,但我们心中有一最大的渴望,就是要看见教会的合一,神相愛的家真实的呈现。天父在找祂能安息的家 (赛66:1),主也在为我们的合一祷告 (约17)。我们说, 就从少数华人開始吧。到了4月17-20 我们在温哥华相聚。如约阿施王在以利沙的房间里用箭打地,就决定了战场上的胜败 (王下 13:15-19),我们也要打地, 直到神的赐福再临到美国。我们当时就决定了两次聚集: (1) 6/13-15,加州 Fremont,主要为华人 (2) 9/19-22,IHOP Kansas City,为东与西的汇集。接着,我们又加上几次: (3) 9/1-2,Austin美南回家 (4) 9/14-15,东岸NJ聚集 (5) 12/7-8 ,美东NJ再一次聚集。...
