3/17 Five Fold Ministries One Day Training

3/17 (Sat) Fivefold ministries one day training Trainers: Tina/Tony Location: Pastor Hsu's home Topics: Old Wine Skin How did church become the church we see now Set free from the old system New Wine Skin Fivefold ministry and structure Identify and follow our calling  五重職事教導  三月十七日禮拜六上午十點到下午六點 在許牧師家 教師:Tony and Tina 鼓勵每個人都能參加   內容大鋼: 舊皮袋 教會系統如何演變成我們現在所看到的教會


Prophetic Conference

Hyatt Regency 3 Speedwell Ave, Morristown, NJ, United States

How to Build Prophetic Ministry open to all


Uganda Mission Trip

Gabriel and Jacob will go to Uganda on March 27th to April 5th. (Jacob has left on March 22nd to visit King of Kings Ministry (Nicola) in Uganda.) If you would like to give financial support, please write a check payable to HIC and put “Uganda mission” in the memo Gabriel 與瑞泉將於三月二十七日至四月五日去烏干達短宣。(瑞泉已於三月二十二日出發,先去拜訪 King of Kings

Baptismal service: Sunday 4/1 浸禮

Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane, Somerset, United States

Baptismal Service for Children on Easter Sunday 浸禮 四月一日禮拜日 (復活節) 請洽許牧師或明偉  


Jesus Healing Room

Celebrating 2 year anniversaries of Jesus Healing Room with a potluck feast and testimony sharing. 耶穌醫治工坊兩週年慶, 舉辦2週年慶祝, 有宴席晚餐和見證時間,歡迎大家一家一菜帶菜來一起享受


Youth Rally in IHOPEG 青少年聚會

IHOPEG 950 Raritan Rd, Cranford, NJ, United States

4/20 Friday at 7PM-9PM in IHOPEG
Encounter God through worship and ministry; may have some teachings.
The themes may include consecration, intercede for youth, social media, crisis in this generation, etc.
4/20 禮拜五晚上七點到九點在 IHOPEG
